Study Rooms

Study Rooms are available at Braden River, Central, Island, Palmetto, and South Manatee library locations. They may be booked, for up to 2 hours, on a walk-in basis or up to 7 days in advance. Patrons who do not arrive in a timely manner to use their booked study room forfeit its use for that allotted time. Upon arrival, check in with library staff to access a study room. Note that you may be asked to show ID.

Please read the following guidelines before booking a Study Room:

Study Room Guidelines

  • Rooms can be booked in-person or online at Rooms may be booked on a walk-in basis or up to 7 days in advance. The Library cannot guarantee availability.
  • Rooms can be booked for a limit of 2 hours per day. If a group wants to extend their booking at the end of their session, they may speak with a staff member about this possibility.
  • For one-on-one or small group study, tutoring, and collaboration. Not for solicitation of business or pursuit of commercial endeavors.
  • Rooms may be released to other users if group is more than 15 minutes late. 
  • Users must have vacated the room with their belongings by the ending time of their booking.
  • Notice of cancellation of room use should be done as soon as possible, but no later than 1 hour before the booking is scheduled to take place. Repeated cancellations without notice may cause denial of future use of facilities.
  • Library programming takes precedence over the use of the room.
  • Rooms may be scheduled during regular library hours. Room reservations may start no earlier than fifteen minutes after the library opens, and must end fifteen minutes before the facility closes. Applicants are not allowed in the library facility before normal opening time.  
  • Refreshments are permitted, but applicant is responsible for clean up.
  • The Library’s name and address cannot be used as the official address or headquarters of the scheduling applicant.
  • It is understood that the granting of permission to use the library study room does not constitute an endorsement by Manatee County of the applicant or its programs.
  • The applicant is financially responsible for any damages to the room or contents and equipment.
  • The applicant is responsible for meeting any ADA or other legal requirements which may apply to it with respect to its meeting or program.
  • No technology is provided for the study rooms. Please call ahead to ask what kind of cables and converters you may need.
  • All locations have limited parking availability with regard to on-site parking. 
  • If a study room user engages in conduct which disturbs the normal functions and service delivery of the library, or violates the above policies and rules, permission to use the facility may be withdrawn by library staff and attendees may be asked to leave.  Under extreme circumstances, the Director or authorized library staff are authorized to cause a trespass warning to be issued to disruptive persons.


Book a STUDY Room

  • Go to to complete a booking form for the preferred time, date, and location. 
  • Requests can be made online up to 7 days in advance. Available study rooms may also be reserved for walk-ins. The library system cannot guarantee room availability.
  • Please read the complete Study Room Guidelines above, including this application procedure, before you complete the online booking form.

Book a study Room

To book a larger meeting room, please go to Meeting Room Booking