Any qualified disabled person who believes Manatee County Government has not complied with its obligations under Title II of the ADA related to the County’s programs, services and activities may submit a complaint to the County’s designated ADA Coordinator.
It is preferred that complaints be submitted in a written format such as letter or email. However, if the complainant cannot, due to his/her disability, submit a written complaint, the ADA Coordinator will explore alternative means of filing grievances, such as recorded statements, personal interviews or phone calls.
Complaints must include information about the individual filing the claim such as name, address, email and phone number; the location, date and description of the alleged violation; the name of the program or staff member that failed to comply; and the efforts, if any, made by the complainant to achieve voluntary compliance.
The complaint should be submitted by the complainant as soon after the alleged non-compliance as possible but not later than sixty (60) calendar days after the alleged violation.
Within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the complaint by the ADA Coordinator, the ADA Coordinator or authorized designee will contact the complainant to review the complaint for completeness and accuracy and obtain any additional needed information. Within 60 calendar days thereafter, the ADA Coordinator will provide the complainant with a written response. This response may not resolve or conclude the matter. Where appropriate, the response will be provided in a format accessible to the complainant. The response will explain the position of Manatee County Government and offer options for substantive resolution of the complaint. Manatee County Government’s desired outcome in these cases will always be to work as much as possible to arrive at a positive resolution of the subject of any ADA Title II complaint.
Complaint Form
Please Note: Employee complaints should be directed to the Human Resources Department with attention to the Employee Relations Manager.