MCAT’s Bikes on Buses program allows passengers to secure their bicycles onto a rack attached on the front of all MCAT buses.
Up to two bikes can be carried on the rack at one time. The bikes must be 16 inches or larger, with a single seat and two wheels. Bike racks will not accommodate mopeds, motor bikes or bicycles built for two. Portable (folding) bicycles must also be secured on the rack. If the rack is full, the passenger may carry a folding bike inside the bus, provided room is available on the bus and it can be stowed without blocking the aisle. The bicycles cannot be locked to the rack. Articles left on the bikes in transport must be securely attached. Passengers must load, secure and unload their own bike.
Bus operators will be required to observe the passenger has properly secured the bike on the rack. If the bike is the last to be removed from the rack, remind the passenger to return the rack to the closed/secured position. Operators are required to keep a daily count of bikes using the designated farebox key. All lost and found bikes, brought back to the bus yard, must be put in the bike racks located at the driver’s entrance and proper procedure followed for reporting lost and found of personal items.
Notify the bus operator you are going to remove your bike and exit through the front door of the bus. From the curb side, remove the bike by releasing the support arm from the front tire, then lift the bike out of the rack. Return the rack to its upright position.
Battery Powered Devices
Passengers are permitted to place electric bicycles with sealed gel, lithium Ion, or NiCad batteries in the bike rack as long as they fit safely in the bike rack and have standard tires. Must also meet the bicycle requirements listed above.
Passengers are permitted to carry on the bus electric scooters and boards with sealed gel, lithium Ion, or NiCad batteries as long as they can be folded, fit under your seat or on your lap.