Kids 4 Water Conservation

We all use water for drinking, bathing, swimming, washing and watering our lawns, but water is a limited resource. That is why it is important that we all do our part in conserving water. Kids can make a huge impact simply by starting at home and changing the way their families, friends and classmates use water. If everyone saves a little, we can save a lot.

You can contact Manatee County Water Conservation by emailing [email protected].

Water Conservation Poster Contest

Every year Manatee County Utilities invites Manatee County Schools students to participate in the Annual “Drop Savers" Poster Contest. Students in grades K-12 are encouraged to create a poster depicting a water conservation idea: in slogan form, drawing form, or both. The contest teaches students about the importance of water conservation. We feel that our best opportunity to conserve water is through long-range education and awareness programs, and what better way than to begin with the young people in our community?

Click on the link below to view the winning entries! It was close and there were so many great submissions, and we are grateful to all the teachers and staff at Manatee County Schools for their work and effort to have their students participate. Also, big shoutout to Manatee County Utility staff for participating in the voting! Your vote counts! 

The first place winners go on to the FSAWWA State Drop Savers Poster Contest - good luck Manatee County Students!! We're rooting for you!

For information about how your school/student can participate in the next contest, email [email protected].


Division 1 (Kindergarten and First Grades)
1st Place - Isabella H. - Kindergarten at Louise R. Johnson K-8
2nd Place - Hunter G. - 1st Grade at Louise R. Johnson K-8
3rd Place - Magnalyn E. - 1st Grade at Louise R. Johnson K-8

Division 2 (Second and Third Grades)
1st Place - Ella J. - 3rd Grade at Rowlett Elementary Academy
2nd Place - Luna G. - 2nd Grade at Louise R. Johnson K-8
3rd Place - Vially D. - 2nd Grade at Louise R. Johnson K-8

Division 3 (Fourth and Fifth Grades)
1st Place - Julian M. - 5th Grade at Louise R. Johnson K-8
2nd Place - Remalyn E. 5th Grade at Louise R. Johnson K-8
3rd Place - Finnley O. - 4th Grade at Bayshore Elementary

Division 4 (Middle School: Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grades)
1st Place - Zoe B. - 6th Grade at Rowlett Middle Academy
2nd Place - Carla C. - 6th Grade at Rowlett Middle Academy
3rd Place - Savannah T. - 6th Grade at Rowlett Middle Academy

Fun Water Facts

  • The existence of water is essential for life on Earth
  • Water has three different states, liquid, solid and gas
  • Water covers around 75% of the Earth's surface
  • Nearly 97% of water is salty or undrinkable
  • Another 2% is in the ice caps or glaciers
  • The average person in the United States uses 80 to 100 gallons of water each day
  • Manatee County residents use an average of 90+ gallons per day
  • It takes 2 gallons to brush your teeth, 1.28 to 7 gallons to flush a toilet, and 25 to 50 gallons to take a shower
  • Every glass of water brought to your table in a restaurant requires another two glasses of water to wash and rinse the glass
  • Although a person can live without food for more than a month, a person can only live without water for approximately one week
  • There is no such a thing as “new water”. The rain which falls today is the same rain that fell on prehistoric man and the dinosaurs.

Teacher Resources

  • School Programs
    Call now to schedule a classroom visit by the Manatee County Water Conservation Program. Our Water Conservation presenters will work with your classroom to provide the program that best fits your current curriculum. Presentations include educational videos, hands-on activities, and take home materials suitable for all grade levels. Grade appropriate activity books, study guides and educational items are available for the students to use in the classroom and to take home and share water conservation lessons with their families. Our EnviroScape model helps students understand the watershed and prevention of water pollution through visual, hands-on interaction. Contact Water Conservation Program at 792-8811 Extension 5327 or email us at [email protected]
    Click here for the informational flyer.

  • Online Resources
    Online educational tools for students and teachers available on the SWFWMD website. Take advantage of the educational resources that include the hands-on activitiesH2O Zone - kid's resource page, water education videos, and project WET teacher workshops information.
    You can also download or order free publications today!
  • Splash! School Grants
    The Splash! school grant program is funded by SWFWMD and provides up to $3,000 per school to enhance student knowledge of freshwater resources issue. Public and charter school teachers of grades K - 12 are eligible to apply.