Planning Commission, Committees and Agendas


  • Bobbi Roy
  • (941)748-4501 ext. 6878

Interactive development Projects Map

Development Services provides an interactive map view of all development projects along with any upcoming Public Hearings scheduled. If you would like to view this interactive map, please click the button below.

development Projects Map

Tentative Public Hearing Calendar

Public Hearings.pdf

Weekly Project List 

Development Services publishes a weekly list of new applications that have been submitted. If you would like to view the current list or subscribe to the Neighborhood Registry email group for the weekly project list, please follow the link below.

Weekly Project List and Neighborhood Registry

Planning Commission Meetings

Development Services Task Force

The Development Services Task Force is a group of local stakeholders interested in helping the Development Services Department improve processes and offer comments on matters of interest. The DSTF generally meets once a month via TEAMS. For a link to access the meeting please email [email protected]. The meeting starts at 3:30 pm and is limited to an hour and a half. An agenda is prepared in advance with items added upon request. This meeting is informal and provides an opportunity to give input on development related matters.

All meetings are from 3:30 p.m to 5 p.m. They are being offered via Teams. Please see agenda below for information to attend. 

The next scheduled Development Services Task Force meeting is June 27, 2024 at 3:30pm.  

June Agenda for Development Services Task Force 

Hearing Officer

The Hearing Officer has scheduled meetings the third Wednesday of every month as needed. Occasionally meetings are rescheduled to a different date and time from the scheduled meeting.