Active Military Combat Duty Grant Program

  • Who may qualify for the Active Military Combat Duty Grant Program?  Military personnel, including active duty, activated guard duty or activated reserve duty personnel who own or owned property in Manatee County upon which they have homestead exemption and who served for any length of time in a designated combat zone during or subsequent to the 2003 tax year and any qualifying unremarried surviving spouse.
  • What may applicants apply for?  Reimbursement of the lesser of up to $1,500 or the actual amount of Manatee County's portion of the Ad Valorem Tax bill for each year for which they qualify.
  • How long do applicants have to apply?  Four years following the year during which the qualifying military personnel served in a designated combat zone.  The first year for which they may qualify is the 2003 Ad Valorem Tax Year.
  • Who administers the Program?  The Veterans Services Division of the Manatee County Neighborhood Services Department at 1401 3rd Avenue West, Bradenton, 34205.
  • How do potential applicants obtain additional information to determine if they qualify for this Program?  Please call 745-3795, ask for a Veterans Services Counselor and mention the Active Combat Duty Grant Program.

  • Note:  The grant will continue until funds are no longer available.